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Was Mary Resurrected After Her Death?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 05:18 - When we’re in heaven will we focus on our life on earth? Do you have book recommendations?
  • 10:47 - Why do we confess our sins to a priest and not directly to God?
  • 17:11 - If Jesus was all man and all divine. Could he have looked at God and not died?
  • 20:26 - In my parish, in our intentions, we pray for those who don’t believe in Christ. Who are we praying for and why are they separate intentions?
  • 29:10 - What is the bible evidence for purgatory?
  • 34:40 - I have protestants claim that the Council of Rome in 382 AD under Pope Damasus I. Did actually happen because there is no evidence. How do I refute this?
  • 44:51 - Was Mary resurrected at her death? Is this in the bible?
  • 51:30 - How do I reconcile between God being totally sufficient but Jesus thirsting for us and us adding something to him?
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