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Is Mary the Woman in Revelation 12?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 05:55 - What was the timeline and details around the nativity of the Lord and their movement?
  • 09:51 - If the bible wasn’t put together until the 300’s how can the early church claim that a heresy, such as Marcionism (140 AD), was against scripture?
  • 15:54 - Is Mary the woman in Rev. 12 Mary? If so, she had child pains, so does that mean she was not sinless?
  • 23:54 - Does Vatican II’s decree on ecumenism contradict tradition?
  • 28:15 - How does one deliver the beauty of Catholicism?
  • 44:56 - If Jesus flipped tables in the temple because of the money changers. How then, can we justify raffles, bingo, and casino nights at our churches?
  • 49:43 - Can I receive communion at a Byzantine Catholic Church and is it licit for them to clean the spoons with just water?
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