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Open Forum

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Questions Covered:

  • 02:05 - Why do you need to confess your sins to a priest?
  • 09:42 - What proof, outside of the Catholic Church, do we have that the Catholic Church is the true Church?
  • 14:34 - What’s the difference between Catholics and Protestants?
  • 24:09 - I’m in RCIA and am at the point of choosing a saint. I’m leaning towards St. Philip Neri. Is there a female saint for my wife that is also known for humor and levity?
  • 30:48 - If God is immaterial, then how did he make us in his image?
  • 35:09 - I’m a new Catholic. What holds protestants back from being Catholic?
  • 44:21 - I’m going through the annulment. How would I defend annulments from an argument that it is legalistic and manmade?
  • 49:06 - What’s the morality of drugs and the spectrum from caffeine up to very hard drugs?
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