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Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:37 - Why are women so prevalent at the crucifixion and where were the apostles?
  • 06:42 - Is a DNC an abortion if there is no heartbeat?
  • 13:33 - Was Jesus created a sinner like us? Did the Old Testament saints have to be baptized before they went to heaven?
  • 19:00 - Who led the Church after Peter?
  • 21:13 - When people say that the New Testament Church existed before the New Testament Scripture, they seem to imply that the Church was more important than the Word. The Old Testament was a primary source in faith for the Jewish world, though. Did that love of the Word carry into the New Church?
  • 28:35 - How can I explain to my son that God did not create hell?
  • 32:34 - Are the grain offering and the drink offering in Joel representative of the Eucharist?
  • 39:55 - What does Matthew 16:19 teach us about the kingdom of heaven?
  • 48:40 - While we sleep, do our souls sleep?
  • 50:39 - I am a recent convert from the Orthodox to the Catholic faith. Is the Catholic Church the only true Church?

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