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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

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Questions Covered:

  • 01:48 - What’s the difference between penal substitution and vicarious satisfaction in atonement theology? 
  • 13:18 - My son goes to Catholic school and was told by a teacher that Protestants reject that Mary is the Mother of God. Is this accurate? 
  • 15:11 - Is there any situation in which a pope can be removed from office? Specifically, if he is no longer of sound mind. 
  • 21:23 - Is there any record of the differences in light skin and dark skin people in the Bible? Why is there no mention of Africans in the Bible? 
  • 37:28 - Who coined the word saint? Is it a carryover from Judaism? 
  • 44:35 - Does the Church treat private revelation and near-death experiences the same? What are your thoughts on near death experiences? 
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