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Open Forum

Tim Staples
Audio not yet available

Questions Covered:

  • 04:50 - Coming from your perspective of a convert, what are your thoughts on the pope’s recent appointment of the pro-abortion woman to one of the pontifical councils? 
  • 13:07 - Did Jews of the 1st century regard Shaol as both a place of comfort and torment? 
  • 15:59 - Why when Elizabeth was pregnant, was her husband punished but Mary wasn’t punished? 
  • 20:52 - Mt. 28:20 How are we certain that “The end of the age” is a specific point in time? 
  • 29:06 - Is it ok to practice centering prayer? 
  • 36:42 - My Catholic friend wants to marry a convert who was civilly married in the past. The priests that they consulted said that she needs to seek an annulment. Is this true or are the priests misinforming them? 
  • 44:28 - Colossians states that some rituals are no longer needed, and some practices are ok depending on intent. Can you help clarify what this means? 
  • 50:06 - What is the purpose of the Pontifical Academy for Life? 
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