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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

  • 01:47 - I just want to know if it’s reasonable to believe that the 10 original apostles died as martyrs because of the consequences of abandoning Jesus from the cross except for the apostle John. because he didn’t abandon Jesus from the cross. 
  • 11:37 - What is the “odor of sanctity” and how would one recognize it? Can the devil replicate it? 
  • 17:50 - In the New Testament, Paul uses typology from the Old Testament a lot, but does the Old Testament ever use typology from elsewhere in the Old Testament to the future Messiah? 
  • 22:55 - Because Mary’s case is unique, I wonder how her relationship with the Holy Spirit differs from ours. Did she have all of the gifts and benefits of the Holy Spirit from the time of her conception? Yet we know the Holy Spirit came upon her at the Incarnation. And then descended upon her at Pentecost. Did she receive, or even have to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation? 
  • 28:35 - Is AA-1025 real or fake? 
  • 33:13 - Did Jesus descend to Sheol and preach the Gospel as more of an informational thing, or did He do so to have those there formally accept His sacrifice as an act of will? Were they already judged before Sheol or was their judgment formally dependent on their acceptance of the Gospel Jesus preached? 
  • 44:15 - Do we have any indication (or at least a best guess) of the exact minute Jesus rose from the dead and then rolled away the stone? We know Christ died at 3PM, but he was already gone when the apostles showed up at his tomb the next morning. 
  • 48:05 - How did the Apostles orally preached the Word of God in the centuries wherein the Canon of the Bible was not formed? Did they use materials (e.g., the Law and the Prophets, etc…) or follow a systematic means of teaching (like that of modern schools or universities)? 
  • 52:32 - Did all Editions of the Vulgate include Psalm 151, The Prayer of Manasseh, 3rd & 4th Esdras, and Paul’s Epistle to the Epistle Laodiceans in its Apocrypha index or was there fluidity with what Apocryphal Books were included? 
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