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Questions Covered: 

  • 10:50 - Do church authorities, the Popes and Bishops, synthesize the sources of our tradition or use tradition as guidelines when making authoritarian teachings? 
  • 22:38 - My priest only provides the host and not wine. Is that appropriate? 
  • 33:50 - I have heard that we can venerate statues of Saints, but not pray to them. Can I pray to a statue of Jesus? 
  • 40:29 - In the past I heard if you watch the Mass that you will not receive a blessing. Why wouldn’t I receive a blessing if I participated in the Mass?  
  • 45:13 - Jesus gives thanks to his Father for giving him disciples except Judas who he called a devil. How can Satan tempt a devil, Judas? 
  • 47:14 - I read information on a living icon in a Byzantine Church. Can you explain this description? 
  • 50:41 - I heard a response to school shootings is that God is no longer present in schools. Is this a reasonable response? 


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