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Questions Covered:

  • 00:43 - The Church has precepts that relate to minimum standards of behavior (receive communion once during the Easter season, etc.) Are there also minimum standards of belief to be considered in communion with the Church? (For example The Trinity, Bible, virgin birth etc.)
  • 04:38 - What do priests do when you confess to a murder? I’m pretty sure they can’t make turning yourself in a requirement for absolution, but it strikes me that “five hail marys and three our fathers” isn’t exactly going to cut it either.
  • 07:56 - Exegetical questions: What does the unjust steward parable mean?
  • Why is it considered inspired in a Psalm that we should crush the heads of babies?
  • 19:04 - Recently during a homily, I heard that a piece of a person’s soul literally goes into the food they prepare. So, if the food is made by religious nuns the food will taste better because of the love in the food. On the other hand, if it is prepared by someone evil, the opposite will occur. Furthermore, he said that the traditional blessing of food is an exorcism to keep evil spirits away from your food, so you don’t consume them. Is this a teaching of the Catholic Church?
  • 28:33 - What is the story with Lilith? I have people tell me she was Adam’s ‘first wife’ but they are usually getting that from a Discovery Channel alien show or something that their friend posted on FB. What is the truth? Is she in the Old Testament? Does the Catholic Church say anything about her?
  • 34:30 - What is the exact status of the Coptic Orthodox Church in regards of small “o” orthodoxy?
  • 44:14 - Which part of the Trinity is responsible for life?
  • 48:15 - What was the nature of Holy Communion on the original Holy Thursday? As Our Lord had not risen yet it couldn’t have been His resurrected Body, right?
  • 49:15 - If part of the Host were reserved on Holy Thursday would It have died on Good Friday and resurrected?
  • 50:30 - During Mass the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Our Lord as His Sacrifice is made present on the altar. We receive the resurrected Body of Christ. Is the Resurrection made present on the altar as well? If so, when?
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