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Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:26 - Does the Catholic Church accept all the apocryphal books?
  • 15:20 - Did the Church not allow baptism before a certain time because they believed that the body was not ensouled yet?
  • 22:18 - When Christians die, where do they go?
  • 32:30 - Was Mary in need of a savior if she was without sin?
  • 37:15 - Why don’t Catholics celebrate Passover when the Lord said to ‘do this in memory of me’?
  • 43:15 - How can we understand the Scripture that says ‘let no person judge you for keeping the Sabbath’?
  • 45:09 - I am feeling sorry for Judas today and wondering if he really had a choice. Could he have chosen not to betray Jesus?
  • 48:00 - Why isn’t full preterism true?
  • 52:23 - Why do you have to be Catholic to be saved?
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