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Questions Covered

8:56 – If Martin Luther was a Catholic priest, then why doesn’t the Lutheran church have apostolic succession? 

12:19 - Why did the popes stop wearing the crowns and what is the importance of the crowns? 

22:00 - If the Eucharist is the full body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, does it have a consciousness? 

35:06 - I’m confused about the sequence of becoming a saint, what is the order?  

What happened to the physical bodies of Mary and Jesus when they entered heaven? 

41:50 - 1 Pt 3:21 on baptism.  I’m a protestant looking into Catholicism. Can you clarify the verse? How do you reconcile it with the Church’s teaching on Baptism? 

49:32 - If God is present everywhere, does that mean he’s present in hell? 

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