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Questions Covered

  • 06:58 - Is the legal doctrine of adverse possession immoral?
  • 14:03 - Do we have proof that Jesus walked on earth?
  • 18:42 - Is Elijah the same person as John the Baptist? If so, how is that different from reincarnation?
  • 21:02 - We were talking about baptism in RCIA, and one of the candidates says he thinks that original sin is a stain on the soul, but concupiscence is more psychological. Is he on the right track?
  • 29:41 - What’s the difference between the extraordinary and ordinary magisterium?
  • 32:30 - Can you respect the position of the papacy and still disagree in some aspects with the pope?
  • 37:10 - Why didn’t the Apostles eat Jesus’s body after he died, since he called himself the bread of life?
  • 45:05 - What does Jesus mean in the anointing at Bethany when he says “For the poor you have with you always; but you do not always have Me” (Mt. 26:11)?
  • 51:08 - What’s moral and not moral when it comes to investing?
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