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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

  • 02:35 - How do I explain to someone that when we pray and bow to God it’s worship, but when we do it to Mary it’s not? And how do I address someone who says that when we pray to saints it’s actually praying to demons? 
  • 15:14 - How do we respond to an atheist who says it doesn’t matter how you live because Catholics believe you just have to go to confession and get your sins forgiven? 
  • 22:40 - What’s the Catholic definition of apocryphal books? And why do we sometimes refer to the author of a book in the Bible as “the inspired author” when we usually know who they are? 
  • 28:40 - If we could convert aliens, could they become priests? 
  • 34:10 - Do you know anything about remote neural monitoring and whether that’s how the antichrist plans to take over the world? 
  • 42:14 - Why don’t Protestants accept that Peter is the rock that Jesus built his Church on? 
  • 45:00 - What’s the actual job of the guardian angels? And what’s the difference between a guardian angel and an archangel? 
  • 48:40 - How authoritative is the Didache in the Catholic Church? If it has authority, why don’t we refer to it more often? 
  • 50:28 - How can I get a rosary? 
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