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Open Forum

Tom Nash

Questions Covered: 

  • 07:40 - I met someone who claimed that the Catholic Church worships idols and how do I answer this? And when I talked to a priest about this encounter he said that there was nothing I could say and if this was what the man believes, there is nothing I could say to change his mind. 
  • 16:38 - When I’ve told people I’m catholic I’ve been accused of embracing a religion of rules and not having a personal relationship with Christ. How can I defend being Catholic to those who think I’m only “following religion” and not actually following Christ? 
  • 22:35 - Throughout this pandemic I seem to be the only person that knows that St. Rocco is the patron saint of pandemics. EWTN never mentions it and I’m wondering why? 
  • 29:33 - What is the difference between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic church? 
  • 40:15 - Can a practicing Catholic receive the Holy Eucharist in an evangelical church? 
  • 43:05 - I just went to Mass and the priest told another parishioner  that you can’t go to Mass on Saturday in place of Sunday Mass. The Mass is the same on Saturday as Sunday so I’m confused as to why he said this. 
  • 47:15 – If someone were to pray the 2nd sorrowful mystery (the spiritual fruit being charity) can this heal an addiction such as smoking? 
  • 51:15 - Was there any formal recognition of Joseph being the adoptive father of Jesus?  Did anyone know about Jesus being born of a virgin other than his immediate family before his public ministry? 
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