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Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 

Questions Covered:

  • 03:20 - What happened to Pontius Pilate after Jesus was crucified? 
  • 05:39 - How can I best respond to non-Christians and non-Catholics who criticize the Church because there have been scandals? 
  • 11:47 - How do you know when it is the Holy Spirit convicting you and not someone or something else? 
  • 14:00 - How can I explain to my daughter why a marriage is truly only between a man and a woman, even though the courts have ruled that the meaning of that word has changed? 
  • 17:49 - What is the Church’s most recent teaching on the Medjugorje apparitions? 
  • 22:00 - What does the Church teach regarding transhumanism? 
  • 28:43 — Does anything in the Old Testament prefigure Mary and the Holy Spirit overcoming her? 
  • 31:09 - I have been in a nursing home for a few years and have not been able to get to confession in a very long time. Tomorrow, someone is bringing Holy Communion for the first time in almost a year and a half, and I am wondering if I can receive Jesus. Can you help me? 
  • 35:13 - I have been banned from my parish (not allowed on the premises) because I have protested them only allowing Communion in the hand. Have I committed a sin by protesting this? I want it to be offered on the tongue, especially since so many have been vaccinated now. 
  • 41:25 - My Protestant friend is adamant that there should be no denominations and says that there are none, that all of these groups are actually one church. How can I explain to her that the one Church is the Catholic Church? 
  • 46:38 - Is a priest complicit in a grave sin if he gives Communion to someone in the state of mortal sin? 
  • 50:54 - I have been praying for courage to trust our Lord. Is that prayer offensive to him? Should I just be able to trust him? 
  • 52:23 - I can’t reconcile the Church’s teaching of Christ having two natures. St. Cyril said that Christ had one nature, a composite of two natures, which makes more sense to me. Can you help me with this? 
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