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Questions Covered:

  • 03:51 - How valid are the healings done on TV on channels like the 700 club?  
  • 11:12 - How does the Church interpret or understand what unclean spirits are in the Bible? 
  • 14:20 - If God can do anything, can He sin? 
  • 17:18 - Is Mass and the consecration valid if the priest only uses ASL and does not speak? 
  • 21:16 - Are Christians expected to work on the Sabbath or can they keep the Sabbath? 
  • 24:10 - What is the origin of the word dicastery? 
  • 30:09 - Do popes and nuns and priests automatically go to heaven when they die? 
  • 31:55 - Can you explain why Jesus is so harsh to the Canaanite woman in Mark 7:27, calling her a dog? 
  • 36:36 - Where did the expression “robbing Peter to pay Paul” come from? 
  • 43:26 - I have been trying to prove the existence of God and have been having trouble connecting the immaterial nature of God to Jesus’ very material existence on earth and Incarnation. Can you help me? 
  • 46:55 - Is there any evidence that Joseph took a vow of virginity? 
  • 50:35 - Guadalupe radio network…What causes someone to be excommunicated from the Church? 
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