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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

  • 03:30 - Can you receive the Eucharist more than once in the same day?
  • 05:55 - Who was the steward for King Solomon and Queen Bathsheba?
  • 11:04 - Is there ever a circumstance where I can take birth control?
  • 19:05 - How many of the hand gestures and movements at Mass are appropriate/acceptable? Where did they come from?
  • 23:39 - Is Jesus of the line of David? If so, how?
  • 28:43 - Can you explain the different translations of Genesis 3:15?
  • 33:27 - I recently took someone Communion and when he received, he started to chew on it. Is it okay to chew the Eucharist?
  • 37:06 - Is it okay to celebrate Santa Clause?
  • 42:44 - Is it true that all Christians must become Catholic?
  • 49:40 - What was the role of Mary in the early Church when she was still alive?
  • 51:52 - Why don’t we celebrate the Sabbath on Saturdays?
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