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Our guests grapple with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 06:49 - When people say that they have been saved, but join a Protestant Church, how can Jesus allow this to happen? If the Catholic Church is the true faith, then why would God lead them to a Protestant Church?
  • 12:29 - How can I explain to Protestant friends why we are not saved by faith alone?
  • 16:21 - I am not a Catholic but am taking RCIA classes. Can I go to confession? Also, is it true that only Catholics are saved?
  • 32:15 - How do you respond to Protestants who will say it doesn’t really matter which faith we believe in as long as we believe in Jesus?
  • 35:51 - What is Catholic teaching about Free Masons?
  • 43:08 - When is it required to help the poor and when is it just an act of charity?
  • 49:54 - Was Vatican II valid?

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