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Questions Covered:

  • 05:12 - Is Catholicism based on fideism?
  • 14:45 - What is the significance of the number 7 with Jacob and Joseph?
  • 21:18 - After Jesus expired, how much blood and water poured out of his Body?
  • 28:54 - Is there something special about the phrase, ‘Lamb of God,’ that assisted the disciples in being able to leave everything and follow Jesus?
  • 32:25 - In 1 Corinthians, it seems like there is a distinction between baptism and preaching the good news. Are Christ’s followers prompted to do both?
  • 42:00 - My friend says that Mary did not go through labor or suffer the pangs of birth. Is this true?
  • 50:05 - I am getting ready to make my first Reconciliation. Do I need to confess things that I did before I was of the age of reason?
  • 51:41 - Was the sin of Adam and Eve of the magnitude of a mortal sin committed by someone today? Is it possible for a priest to transubstantiate a different type of bread than what is at Mass?

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