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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

  • 01:52 - Does cremation affect the resurrection of the body?
  • 03:34 - I saw an article that said Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI cannot donate his organs because he is a pope. Is this true? If so, why?
  • 11:08 - How can I explain Jeremiah 17:5 to my Confirmation student?
  • 16:28 - Is Baptism regenerative?
  • 20:16 - Can I eat blessed salt? Is blessing salt witchcraft?
  • 24:21 - I play a video game that has elements of magic. Is it permissible to play this as a Catholic?
  • 35:18 - What is meditative or contemplative prayer? If a priest blesses an item, does he need to do it with holy water or just with his words?
  • 41:10 - How can I defend why Catholics pray to Mary? I am a new Catholic with a Protestant family.
  • 44:30 - Are there any saints who are not Catholics?
  • 48:55 - How did the different translations of the Bible come about? How do I cite a Bible verse?
  • 52:12 - What can we do about Catholic hospitals that perform semi-permanent and permanent contraception on patients?

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