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Questions Covered:

  • 04:40 - What is the role of the devil’s advocate in the canonization of saints? 
  • 12:29 - How can God’s nature be described through the principle of noncontradiction when he is the author of logic? 
  • 19:58 - Jesus calls Mary woman and people say it’s because she is the New Eve. Why then does Jesus call other women “woman”? 
  • 28:37 - Why is it that the Catholic Church claims the Bible to be a Catholic book when it wasn’t dogmatically declared to be the canon that it is until the Council of Trent? 
  • 36:55 - My stepson asked me to be the godfather of his son. The Baptism took place in another country and he was not baptized Catholic. Now I am not sure that I should have agreed to be his godchild. What should I do now? 
  • 42:34 - Before Communion, we say the prayer, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” Why do we need to go to Confession if we believe in the power of prayer? 
  • 46:20 - Where did Holy Water come from and is it a sin to drink it? 
  • 50:12 - There are different ages listed for when Tobit died, across the translations. Why is that? 
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