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Questions Covered:

  • 01:09 - Why is there an adversarial relationship between Catholicism and Freemasonry?
  • 14:01 - Why are so many apologists converts?
  • 19:26 - Is it true that the Jews will be converted before the Second Coming of Christ?
  • 23:10 - How does one who is not married in the Church rectify the situation?
  • 28:33 - I am a Protestant becoming Catholic this year. My wife and children are not. Can I still participate in their service to encourage their spiritual growth, while also attending Mass?
  • 33:25 - Why did Pascal take issue with the Jesuits?
  • 36:26 - This Protestant preacher is saying that Paul was a prophet for the gentiles, while Peter was a prophet for the Jews. Is this true? Why were their messages different?
  • 45:10 - What is the difference between Hades and Hell?
  • 47:54 - In the Didache, the Lord’s Prayer ends with, “for thine is the kingdom, the power, etc.” Why don’t Catholics say this part of the prayer?
  • 50:26 - I experienced a voice that sounded like it was speaking Hebrew in a mocking voice that sounded demonic to me. I had just blessed my apartment with exorcised holy water. Does God give us power over the demonic? What should I do?
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