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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

  • 01:35 - Would Mary’s sinlessness keep her from growing in wisdom? 
  • 06:22 - How can I explain papal authority to eastern orthodox friends? They say the only Church Fathers to accept it were in Rome. 
  • 16:59 - In the Gospels, there are times when Jesus’ words were left untranslated. Why? 
  • 22:10 - Where did Elijah and Isaiah go? 
  • 28:58 - What is the difference between confidence and pride?  
  • 31:13 - Protestants have told me that All Souls and All Saints days are pagan holidays. How can I respond to this? 
  • 36:30 - If you were baptized Catholic but left the Church because of poor catechism, then would you still have a chance at salvation? 
  • 44:35 - What is going on with the Pachamama statues and why are they inside a Catholic Church during a council? 
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