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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 

Questions Covered:

  • 01:27 - In Luke’s gospel, in the agony of the garden, it says that the disciples were a stones’ throw away from Jesus. Who could have heard him speak in the garden?  
  • 05:01 - My parish tells me that in order to get married in the Church, my fiancé, who was previously married outside of the Church, must get an annulment. Is this true? 
  •  13:10 - How did Melchisedec serve a priest? 
  • 17:41 - I’m still a Protestant. I listen to Catholic Answers but also Protestants. How can I better understand the early Church? Protestants tell me that the early Church did not look like the current Catholic Church.
  • 34:28 - I am a Protestant. In the Hail Mary, you call Mary the mother of God. Can you help me to understand this more? 
  • 40:20 - My understanding is that although Mary was protected from original sin, she still had free will. Why weren’t the rest of us graced with this?  
  • 47:46 - What does James 2 tell us about faith and works? 
  • 53:35 - 1/4 of my Church has kneelers and ¾ of the Church does not. What can I do about this? I want there to be kneelers throughout the Church so that the posture of the congregation is uniform and sacred during the liturgy. 

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