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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 

Questions Covered:

  • 09:45 - What are the implications for someone who thinks they’ve been baptized but have not?  
  • 14:14 - Is it true that to be saved you must submit to the Pope? 
  • 19:34 - How do you measure good works and know when you’ve done enough? What happens to someone who makes a death-bed conversion and was not able to do any works? 
  • 28:51 - If we believe in Mary’s perpetual virginity, then does that mean that Joseph and Mary had an invalid marriage? 
  • 31:00 - When the demons ask Jesus for something in Matthew 28, does that count as them praying to Him? 
  • 35:23 - How do Catholics interpret the book of Revelation? 
  • 46:45 – How can I find a priest who will baptize my grandkids? Our priest says he will not baptize them because they were born out of wedlock. 
  • 52:15 - How can we understand the contradictions in the Bible?  

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