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Questions Covered:

  • 06:07 - Which of God’s natures died on the Cross? 
  • 09:18 - When Jesus descended to the dead, did he only raise the Jewish people, or people of other faiths, as well? 
  • 17:53 - Was it a practice before Vatican II that women had to go to confession after giving birth?  
  • 20:55 - How can I explain to people that I don’t worship Mary or pray to statues? 
  • 24:56 - Does creation ex inhala refer to the spiritual as well as the physical?  
  • 29:34 - Do Catholics really believe in the same God as Muslims? 
  • 36:25 - How does praying for souls in purgatory help them? 
  • 41:30 - Why do Catholics focus more on Jesus than the Father or the Holy Spirit? 
  • 45:37 - My aunt wanted me to have her ashes after she passed, so I have an urn in my home. I am Catholic, she was not. What should I do with her ashes? 
  • 49:12 – It is said that Catholics follow Scripture and Tradition. Is there a book that has all the traditions listed?  
  • 52:50 - I see in some Churches that some say the Apostle’s Creed, and some say the Nicene Creed. What is the difference between the two? Are they interchangeable? 
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