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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 02:09 - Are papal bulls infallible? Specifically wondering about Pope Nicholas who wrote a papal bull that led “doctrine of discovery.”
  • 10:06 - How were all the different races established if we all came from Adam and Eve and then Noah began the human race again?
  • 15:11 - Are there any churches that are compatible with the Catholic faith? Would it be possible to create a Church that is compatible with the Catholic Church?
  • 18:53 - Is there a liturgical guideline about how to prepare the wine for the Mass?
  • 21:33 - There are some unbelievers who say that the universe has imperfections, so they don’t believe in a creator. How can I respond?
  • 29:10 - Can you address the argument that Ronald Reagan was a closet Catholic?
  • 35:21 - Does a priest, who leaves the priesthood and becomes a priest in a Christian church, still turn the bread and wine into the true Body and Blood when he celebrates his new service because of his Holy Orders?
  • 39:59 - At the end of time, who prays for the souls in purgatory then?
  • 42:28 - In 2004, JPII did a Mass where he said the creed in Greek. Apparently, he left the filioque out. Is this true? Why would he have done this?
  • 47:15 - My Baptist son-in-law claims that there should be no sacrifice in the temple and no mortal priesthood. How should I respond to this?
  • 50:23 - Isaiah 13:3-10- What does it mean?
  • 52:40 - Is death natural to the human person since, in the beginning, we were made to live forever?

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