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Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 

Questions Covered:

  • 03:30 - I am Baptist but feel drawn to Catholicism. Is me being divorced an impediment for me to come into the Catholic Church? 
  • 14:05 - In conversing with Mormons, it’s easy to disprove what they say. In the end, they often say that they “feel” that their faith is true. How can I logically disprove this feelings argument? 
  • 22:04 - Why should I believe in purgatory? Why should I pray for the souls in purgatory? 
  • 29:03 - What is the Catholic position on the assurance of salvation? 
  • 34:50 - What is the difference between the Albigensians and the Huguenots? 
  • 42:00 – Why can’t souls in purgatory pray for themselves? 
  • 44:13 - I’m Catholic but my fiancé is not. I am trying to be in communion with the Church. What does living as brother and sister mean?  
  • 48:22 - My mother has been wanting to be Catholic for several years, but we’ve been getting pushback because of health issues. How can I best help them to become Catholic? 
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