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Ask Me Anything: Catholicism

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Questions Covered:

  • 03:06 - How do you rebut James Sterba’s new logical argument from evil?
  • 07:49 - Do you have any resources I could use when returning to the Catholic faith? I feel like I have a heart of stone?
  • 14:19 - How would we prove apostolic succession?
  • 21:22 - What is a good approach to Catholic dating? Could there ever be a Catholic version of shows like the Bachelor?
  • 28:51 - Was Jesus’s death really a sacrifice if he knew he was going to come back from the dead?
  • 31:01 - Mt 27: around 51-52 says that people came out of their tombs and were walking around. How do we make sense of this?
  • 33:35 - If we minimize the risk, would it be morally good to bring back dinosaurs?
  • 39:50 - Do you ever smoke your pipe during prayer. If so, would this make your pipe a sacramental?
  • 44:35 - Jn 19:25-27 refers to Mary and her sisters. Who were these sisters of Mary?
  • 49:16 - What’s the status of the adoption of lay ministry of acolytes and lectors in the US?
  • 52:15 - If Jesus and the Holy Spirit gave authority to the apostles to heal. Who else had this gift?
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