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Questions Covered:

  • 02:42 - Some Protestant minister who converts to Catholic church can become priests and stay married. Why isn’t this extended to Deacons? 
  • 09:09 - How can I reconcile Holy Days of Obligation and fasting during lent with Mark Chapter 7? 
  • 17:05 - I’ve heard the Word became the Son at the incarnation only based on Psalm 2. How can I respond to this?  
  • 23:50 - Where is St. Gabriel mentioned in the Bible, what makes him an Archangel? 
  • 28:50 - Why is there no video evidence of a miracle?  
  • 34:02 - How did the Septuagint get its name? 
  • 36:05 - How can I talk to someone who says you don’t need Confession?  
  • 40:32 - Why did St. Padre Pio have the stigmata, and did it hurt?  
  • 42:13 - Why in the US does we seem to ignore a 1997 Vatican Instruction when it comes to the use of extraordinary minister? 
  • 48:17 - What denomination is the Hillsong church and can we attend as Catholics? 
  • 50:54 - Is there firm teaching of using they/them pronouns? 
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