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In this episode of open forum, Jimmy Akin explains why the roots of Christianity are not pagan and much more.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:03 - I have a predestination question. The Council of Trent says that humans cooperate with grace, but the Catechism says that man’s cooperation with grace is itself a work of grace. Where does man’s own action enter into things?
  • 07:54 - How do we refute the claims that the Old Testament plagiarized old pagan religions?
  • 23:54 - Is it okay for underage practicing Catholics to drink in moderation?
  • 32:14 - What are Jimmy’s views on the theory of atonement?
  • 43:50 - Could neanderthals and other hominids be in Heaven?
  • 48:20 - What are Jimmy’s thoughts on The Imitation of Christ having a dialogue with Christ? It unsettles me how it makes up words for Jesus.

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