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Questions Covered:

  • 04:24 - My protestant friend claims that priestly forgiveness of sins doesn’t have its roots in the apostles. What’s the response?
  • 11:31 - Why can’t we eat meat on Fridays during lent?
  • 13:46 - Where did the Church come up with the teaching on the Eucharist?
  • 19:15 - How would you respond to a critique of the Eucharist? And how he says he is a door, branch and bread all figuratively?
  • 31:13 - Why can’t we eat food in Mass?
  • 34:33 - How were the sacrifices in the temple not sufficient?
  • 40:18 - On Natural law theory. How do you respond to objections to it as an ethical basis for moral logic?
  • 48:28 - To what degree am I obligated to defend the Church’s teaching to friends?
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