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Open Forum

Tom Nash

Do you have a question about the Catholic Church? All questions about the Catholic faith and life are welcome during open forum.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:57 - Does Romans 9 prove faith alone? 
  • 12:12 - Should there be a separation of Church and state? Does the Church believe they should be together? 
  • 23:58 - During the Last Supper, was the bread and wine his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity? 
  • 37:30 - What is the difference between a blessed and a saint? 
  • 42:46 - How can we trust that the Church leaders are doing what they are meant to be doing now?
  • 51:47 - Why are there so many leaders in the Church? Why aren’t there just 12?

Resources Mentioned:

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