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Questions Covered:

  • 1:45 – If we can pray and interact directly with God, why can’t we confess our sins directly to him?
  • 06:46 - I’m considering becoming Catholic. Can we go directly to God for prayer or do we have to go through Mary?
  • 13:35 - Did God ordain that women cannot be priests?
  • 17:48 - Where in the bible does it say that humans will go to heaven when they die?
  • 21:05 - If our penance is the Our Father, can we just use the one in mass as it?
  • 25:09 - What constitutes mortal sin? I’m familiar with the 3 criteria but what is grave matter?
  • 35:56 - I’m an atheist. Why don’t pray to heal amputees?
  • 48:41 - How does a Catholic feel with disagreement among the Church Fathers?
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