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Dear visitor: Summer is here, and you may be thinking about a well-deserved vacation, family get-togethers, BBQs with neighborhood friends. More than likely, making a donation to Catholic Answers is not on your radar right now. But this is exactly the time we most need your help. The “summer slowdown” in donations is upon us, but the work of spreading the gospel and explaining and defending the Faith never takes a break. Your gift today will change lives and save souls for Christ this summer! The reward is eternal. Thank you and God bless.

Dear visitor: Summer is here, and you may be thinking about a well-deserved vacation, family get-togethers, BBQs with neighborhood friends. More than likely, making a donation to Catholic Answers is not on your radar right now. But this is exactly the time we most need your help. The “summer slowdown” in donations is upon us, but the work of spreading the gospel and explaining and defending the Faith never takes a break. Your gift today will change lives and save souls for Christ this summer! The reward is eternal. Thank you and God bless.

Open Forum

Trent Horn

Audio only:

Questions Covered:

  • 20:14 - I wanted to ask Trent specifically, are combat sports moral?
  • 35:48 - I agree God allows us to pray for others & to ask others to pray for us. But my question is: how does Mary hear all those prayers? Is she omnipotent?
  • 41:47 - What are your thoughts on Gavin Ortlund? Do you think he is a good faith actor?
  • 46:33 - Is the stain of original exclusive to one individual, Adam?
  • 52:28 - My agnostic friend is engaging with a married woman who is in an open marriage. Should I stop being friends with him?
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