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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

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Questions Covered:

  • 01:06 - Have you thought about exploring the assassination of the president of Ecuador in 1875 on Mysterious World? It’s said that he was killed by Freemasons.
  • 04:35 - What is necessary for salvation?
  • 14:42 - Are you familiar with Serapis Christus? Could you talk a little about him?
  • 23:59 - What’s the difference between the authority of the catechism vs the code of canon law?
  • 32:55 - What’s the proper definition of Sola Scriptura and what’s the best way to defend the faith against it?
  • 43:42 - There seems to be a conflict with the two statements: World without end and on the last day. Can you help clarify?
  • 47:14 - How do we properly understand predestination and free will?
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