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Open Forum

Tom Nash

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Questions Covered:

  • 05:14 - Where did all the sects of Judaism come from in the time of Jesus and where did they get their authority?
  • 10:37 - Intercessory pray and redemptive suffering How was St. Therese of Lisieux able to intercede for a person who was put to death and sway him if God cannot affect his free will?
  • 16:51 - When did praying to Mary become a thing in Catholicism?
  • 23:27 - How do I respond to the claim that if 2 popes contradict each other in ex cathedra statements, we are challenging divinely inspired teaching? In other words, do we do what we accuse protestants of doing?
  • 31:40 - Why is it that the apocrypha aren’t accepted by the Jews, and why then do we accept them?
  • 36:48 - I’m Methodist and my church just split because of female clergy. What does the Catholic Church say about female clergy?
  • 44:12 - How should we treat the LGBT community?
  • 50:03 - Is it better to pray in a church or in a chapel with the eucharist exposed?
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