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Questions Covered:

  • 00:41 - To whom does Jesus pay the price in regard to our redemption?
  • 09:45 - If Mary was born sinless, would that affect her free will in agreeing to become the mother of the Son of God?
  • 12:05 - How does the Catholic Church interpret Ephesians 4:11-12?
  • 20:52 - Is the word nunnery a real word? What is the difference between a nunnery, a convent, an abbey, a monastery?
  • 29:09 - What is an inner locution?
  • 40:30 - Did the baby Jesus know he was God since God is omniscient?
  • 45:15 - Did Jesus tell others he was tempted in the desert? How did the apostles and gospel writers know unless he told them?
  • 46:12 - I’ve been invited to go to a non-Catholic outdoor beach wedding. Would it be a sin for me to attend the wedding as a Catholic?
  • 49:12 - At the end of time how will God defeat the devil?
  • 52:06 - If you feel a call to the priesthood, would it be a sin to not follow that call?
  • 52:57 - When John mentions mortal sin, he says something like “I don’t suggest to pray about that.” What does he mean by this statement?
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