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Can Someone Sell Their Soul to the Devil?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 05:12 - My neighbor is passing away and I think she is Catholic. I don’t know her very well. How would I approach her?
  • 07:45 - Did the stories in the Old Testament actually happen?
  • 15:25 - What Jewish sources are there for Mary and Joseph’s legal betrothal?
  • 20:35 - During Mass when the priest or altar server crosses the altar they look at the altar and bow, shouldn’t they be looking at the tabernacle?
  • 28:44 - Can someone actually sell their souls to the devil? If so, can they get it back?
  • 36:22 - What do Catholics believe about salvation by grace alone vs with works?
  • 46:50 - I’m starting OCIA. How do I respond to the claim that I cannot convert because I was born Jewish and will forever be Jewish?
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