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Why Does Jesus Tell His Followers to Buy a Sword in Luke 22?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 1:00 – Fr. Mitch Pacwa says if we collect all the relics of the true cross, we would have about ⅓ of a cross.
  • 06:53 - Psalm 37:4 and Mark 11:24. What would be a balanced perspective on understanding these verses?
  • 12:37 - How would one explain the need for purification after death to a Protestant?
  • 18:19 - How does being a Christian and living with depression and anxiety coexist with joyfulness?
  • 31:32 - What happens to your body when you die?
  • 34:05 - Can a pope change tradition? How do we distinguish small t and capital T tradition especially when considering capital punishment?
  • 45:20 - What is the likelihood that the Orthodox will reunite with Rome in our lifetime?
  • 47:08 - Why does Jesus tell his followers to buy a sword in Luke 22?
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