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Is It Okay to Have Sympathy for Lucifer?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 02:45 - Are Catholics Obsessed with tradition? Is there a difference between Tradition and tradition?
  • 16:30 - Could you explain why we dont we worship on Saturdays instead of Sundays?
  • 21:21 - Is there salvation outside the Catholic Church?
  • 30:22 - Is the True Cross of St. Helena legitimate?
  • 33:42 - What would be a good gift to give a cloistered nun who is going to profess her final vows?
  • 37:06 - Is it okay to have a bit of sympathy for Lucifer?
  • 45:24 - What’s the relationship between the breaking of the bread of Jesus and of Melchizedek?
  • 51:00 - Why do we not call any of the people of the Old Testament saints?
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