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Where Did John the Baptist Get the Rite of Baptism?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 5:40 – Why do you want us to support the Vatican church that supported Fascist Italy in World War 2? Where was the Vatican’s stance on the ethnic cleansing of Jews?
  • 12:30 - Are there others apart from Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims that honor Mary? What does that honor look like in Islam?
  • 18:10 - When does death occur? Is it morally permissible to be an organ donor?
  • 23:57 - Why did God have no beginning?
  • 28:40 - Are haunted dolls real? If so, how are they possessed?
  • 34:12 - Before I became Catholic, was I culpable for knowing that salvation came from the Church?
  • 42:10 - Where did John the Baptist get the rite of baptism?
  • 50:15 - Acts 22 says Paul was a Roman citizen. How would authentication work?
  • 52:41 - How do you respond to the atheist claim that you don’t have to be Christian to be moral?
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