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Is It Mary, Mother of God or Mother of Jesus?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 06:15 - My daughter is a lapsed Catholic and her issue is the problem of evil. What’s the best way to explain this?
  • 16:00 - My husband and I were lukewarm Catholics when we got married. I’ve gotten closer to faith while he’s gotten further away. What does obedience to him look like in our situation?
  • 24:39 - Does canon 1404 mean that no one can judge the pope except for God?
  • 32:21 - Do we know what Jesus and the temple teachers were discussing in Luke 2?
  • 34:12 - Why doesn’t the Church just admit that Joseph and Mary had other children?
  • 43:38 - How is a rite of passage like a Quinceanera intermingled with the mass? Are there official guidelines for it?
  • 47:39 - If Jesus and Mary are in their physical bodies in heaven, would this also mean that the saints are too?
  • 51:12 - How do I explain the title of Mary, Mother of God to my protestant friends? Shouldn’t it be, Mother of Jesus?
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