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Questions Covered:

  • 02:40 - How can we hold to unconditional election without falling into double predestination? 
  • 12:08 - Why did God allow men to have multiple wives in the Old Testament? 
  • 18:55 - If good is convertible with being, and evil is a privation of good, then how can we talk about evil being a thing at all? And if evil is a privation, what purpose does it have? 
  • 28:53 - I have an elderly friend in a terrible state and I have no idea what to pray for because I don’t think they’re going to be healed. 
  • 32:23 - What support does the Church offer for people who are spiritually gifted (i.e. see visions of deceased people). 
  • 40:13 - If the Carmelite nuns in Fort Worth continue to refuse to recognize their bishop’s authority, is it possible for him to excommunicate them? 
  • 49:25 - What’s your best defense for the existence of purgatory? 
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