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If Someone Dies without Baptism, Do They Immediately Go to Hell?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 08:32 - My former Catholic friend keeps telling me that I’m going to hell for being Catholic. How do I refute the claim that the Church is the whore of Babylon?
  • 18:38 - How can an indulgence be attached to a certain design of a crucifix like the Pardon Crucifix?
  • 21:02 - Do Protestants believe that the work of saying the sinner’s prayer brings them salvation?
  • 32:35 - I’m a protestant in RCIA and I work at my church. I know I’m going to be asked about the priest abuse scandal. How do I respond and what safeguards have been put in place to protect the innocent?
  • 44:08 - Wouldn’t calling the Church the whore of Babylon be considered bearing false witness?
  • 48:45 - If someone dies without baptism, do they immediately go to hell?
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