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Can One Offer a Spiritual Communion for Someone’s Intention?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 03:37 - How is it the pope is free from error and yet the popes have done such terrible things, have disagreed and have changed their minds?
  • 13:02 - Can a non-Catholic participate and benefit in adoration?
  • 17:12 - What was the reason for changing to the Novus Ordo?
  • 24:45 - If Jesus did have brothers and sisters, what issues would that cause?
  • 33:58 - How much devotion to Mary is too much?
  • 47:57 - Can one offer a spiritual communion for someone’s intention?
  • 51:35 - How would you describe the difference in the theology of the eucharist and transubstantiation and how someone would defend the transgender movement?
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