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Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:45 - In times past, we would run leaders through the streets when they had done a poor job/done something evil. Can we enact some sort of discipline on the bishops? If not like the old way, what is your suggestion?
  • 13:11 - If Adam and Eve’s wills were in line with God’s will, then why would they have ever sinned in the first place?
  • 17:56 - If an atheist can be saved. Why is it necessary to eat his body and drink his blood to be saved?
  • 19:40 - Why did Jesus have to pay a debt by dying for our sins?
  • 32:30 – How does Fr. Keller explain what God’s perspective of people brought into the world who are ignorant of the Catholic Church and the reality of their sin? Does God view them kindlier than those with knowledge?
  • 40:23 - Does the Eastern rite believe in original sin?
  • 42:30 - Should we be having dialogue with Muslims? Is dialogue possible?
  • 47:00 - Is the pope always infallible?
  • 49:23 - When it comes to the two Species, the Body and Blood, must you bow to the Blood if you only receive the Body?
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