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Meeting Protestant Challenges

What are the differences between Protestant and Catholic belief? Karlo Broussard responds to common Protestant challenges.

Questions Covered:

  • 14:39 - How do you counter when a Protestant says that John 6 is just analogy or metaphor? They say, that sounds like cannibalism, that’s crazy. 
  • 22:03 - How can we respond to Protestants about Jesus having “brothers” and Mary being a perpetual virgin? Why do we pray to saints and not go straight to God? 
  • 33:25 - On Catholic radio, I have heard a lot about where people go after they die: heaven, hell, Sheol, and purgatory. In Scripture, it seems to me to be more clear cut: heaven or hell. How do you respond to this? And what is the second death? 
  • 39:42 - I am married to a Protestant woman. She won’t go to Mass with me because she can’t receive the Eucharist. How can I talk with her about this? 
  • 44:20 - My husband says that because Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ, we are sacrificing him again and again. How do I respond? 
  • 49:25 - If Christ’s atonement was for all people, then why do people still go to hell? 
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