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Mary in the Bible

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Questions Covered:

  • 15:45 - Why do we refer to Mary as ‘our life’ in the Hail Holy Queen?
  • 19:03 - Have you done research on the books about Mary by Sister Mary of Agreda?
  • 22:44 - I’m Protestants. What do we make of the response that Jesus gives that almost sounds like he’s degrading his mother in Lk.11:27?
  • 29:58 - Did Mary have other children?
  • 37:43 - Heart of Jesus Radio… Can you clarify the interpretation of ‘Our Life’ in the Salve Regina? I thought it was a reference to Jesus.
  • 42:08 - My Baptist friend claimed that Mary was a sinner. What’s the response to this?
  • 45:07 - Isn’t it logical that there would be a large emphasis on Mary since half the population is women?
  • 46:53 - Is it possible for Mary to have said no since she was already sinless?
  • 48:34 - Do Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 7:14 refer to Mary
  • 51:38 - I’m protestant and am making my way to the Church. Father, your way of talking about Mary is contributing to me getting closer.
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