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Does Romance Really Matter?

Questions Covered:

  • 16:15 - How do you restart romance after you’ve been married for 13 years?
  • 20:18 - Is romance off limits for people with same-sex attraction?
  • 29:13 - If suffering is part of getting close to Christ, how is that romance? How can romance require suffering?
  • 34:30 - Can you explain where the line lies between romance, love, and lust?
  • 45:27 - I am dating someone who I really like, but I don’t feel very attracted to him. Does that matter?
  • 49:46 - I have a deep desire to be in a relationship, but I am single. Is it selfish to desire that?
  • 52:12 - I’ve been divorced for almost 12 years. I find myself thinking about my ex-husband and I am not sure if it is love or something else.
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